Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Final Days in Guangzhou

Well tomorrow will be our last day here.. Then off to Hong Kong after our consulate appointment at 2:30. We board the train around 7:00 tomorrow night. Then we will visit one last time with my nephew and his family.
It has been so much fun here. Alot of love and memories shared here..
Thank you for sharing the journey. I will post more once we get home so you can see how she adjusts there...
Will chat with you all soonn!!! Love Anita, Carl, & Grace

Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Wednesday here in China

Well one more day down and 3 more days here till that bird flies us home. I love China but miss our home...Please pray for the souls here who have lost their homes..There lives..Bless their hearts...
We went to a temple today..Very peaceful and neat to experience...Grace was blessed which was really neat...
She continues to do well...She loves the pool.
Here is somemore pics...Enjoy..Love, Anita & Carl

Monday, May 12, 2008

Red Couch Picture Day


From The Botanic Gardens

And More Pics

New Pictures

New Greetings From Guangzhou

Sorry that we have not posted anything new...A toddler keeps you busy and she has hit the road running!!! She is so adorable...she loves to run and sing...and kiss...just so good. She takes a 2 hour nap in the afternoon and goes to bed at 8:30 and sleeps thru the night...Just amazing...
We are having fun here on the island in Guangzhou. It is so pretty here...lots of neat buildings...and walking thru the courtyards and watching the guards marching and the ladies doing there movements..Just so neat...
My little cherub is waking up must go..We are all fine here..We did not feel the earthquake...My heart goes out to all those families..So sad...Will write again soon... Anita & Carl

Thursday, May 8, 2008

Pictures from Official Adoption Day

Here are a couple of pictures from Wednesday (Official Adoption Day)

Adoption is official

Yesterday was another big day. We went back to the government building with Grace, had meetings with 2 officials, signed some papers and then the adoption became official! Today we will go to the police station to start the processing of getting her passport.

We went shopping at a store that is something like our Walmart - very big with just about everything. Notably the store did not have air conditioning. Probably should have bought a beach towel just to wipe off the sweat.

Grace had a tough afternoon and only wanted to be held by Anita. If we put her down and if I held her, she would cry until Anita took her. After a nice bath and a long nap, she was much happier. She even played and laughed a little. Today we will try to get her back on her schedule to keep things smoother.

Wednesday, May 7, 2008

We have our daughter!

Greetings from Guangzhou!!!!
Grace has landed! She is absolutely beautiful...She is just so perfect..
It was too funny as soon as we got there she was peeking behind the curtain at us one point she threw a ball across the floor..
She is doing just great with us...She has eaten and even took a bath and let me wash her hair with no tears! She does not like getting her teeth brushed.
The next few days will be very busy and not sure when I can post again. But will soon. Thanks for sharing the journey with us and finally our daughter is here save and sound. Now tomorrow to make it all official.
Love, Anita & Carl

Sunday, May 4, 2008

Greetings From Hong Kong

We landed on May 2nd and Hong Kong is amazing! We are having so much fun with my nephew Randy and his wife Sabine and their three adorable children...Nikki has been keeping us entertained with many subjects, Tasha is a Princess, and baby Ella is just so precious.
Today May 5th we are touring Hong Kong with Sabine and Randy. Going to see some antique markets. What fun. Only 2 more days till Grace Time...Cannot wait...More to come.....